Open workshop on Technology and Autism Research: Towards a Computational Science of Behavior

Talks, discussion, and poster presentations related to the development and use of technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of autism and other behavioral disorders.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

MIT Campus, Cambridge, MA
Media Lab Building E14 in Room 674

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Expedition Project in Computational Behavioral Science

The Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta is the lead institution in a $10 million, five year award from the National Science Foundation's Expeditions in Computing Program. The project title is Computational Behavioral Science: Modeling, Analysis, and Visualization of Social and Communicative Behavior. The multidisciplinary research team, composed of computer scientists, engineers, and psychologists are from nine institutions including major autism research centers in Atlanta, Boston, Pittsburgh, Urbana-Champaign, and Los Angeles.

Hosted by MIT and Northeastern University
Sponsored by NSF Expeditions in Computing Project on Computational Behavior Science

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Catherine Lord
- Catherine Lord, Ph.D. is the Director of the Institute for Brain Development, a new autism center at New York Presbyterian Hospital, a collaborative effort among Weill-Cornell Medical College, Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons and the New York Center for Autism, a not-for-profit autism advocacy organization.

Dr. Takeo Kanade
- Takeo Kanade is the U. A. and Helen Whitaker University Professor of Computer Science and Robotics and the director of Quality of Life Technology Engineering Research Center at Carnegie Mellon University.

Dr. Jeffrey Cohn
- Jeffrey Cohn is Professor of Psychology at the University of Pittsburgh and Adjunct Faculty at the Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. He received his PhD in psychology from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Dr. Jan van Santen
- Jan van Santen obtained a PhD in Mathematical Psychology at the University of Michigan, worked for 2 decades at Bell Labs Research on Natural Language Processing, before joining and directing the Center for Spoken Language Understanding (CSLU) in 2000, then located at the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU).

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